Do Small Businesses Need Worker’s Compensation Insurance?

For small business owners, reviewing insurance policies can feel overwhelming as you try to identify the ones that are right for your business. At North Coast Insurance Services in Lexington, MI, we strive to minimize the stress our customers experience while obtaining insurance coverage and protecting their business. Workers’ compensation insurance is one type of commercial insurance that many companies find crucial. As a small business, you may be unsure if you need this type of coverage. We’re here to help you figure that out. Since this article contains general information, we recommend speaking with one of our insurance agents to help you decide if this coverage is right for your business.

Do Small Businesses Require Worker’s Compensation Insurance?

Depending on the size of your business, you might not need worker’s compensation insurance. However, even if it is not legally required based on your business size and other factors, it’s always better to have more coverage than you need. No one wants to discover the hard way that their business was underinsured, especially in situations as serious as the events that would qualify employees to utilize worker’s compensation insurance.

If you’re interested in worker’s compensation insurance but unsure if your business would qualify for coverage, you can contact our office. We’d be happy to guide you through your options for protecting your business, from the equipment you use to the vehicles that drive your company to the employees who are the heart and hands of the work your business does. You may be surprised to learn about the many ways we can keep your business safe.

Get in Touch With Us

For more information, call us at North Coast Insurance Services in Lexington, MI.