If you own a vehicle, you’re likely aware of the necessity for auto insurance. Car insurance can protect you from the financial liability associated with car accidents. There are different types of auto insurance, including comprehensive auto insurance.
At North Coast Insurance Services, servicing Lexington, MI, we can answer your questions about comprehensive auto insurance and be a resource as you decide whether it’s right for you.
What is Comprehensive Auto Insurance?
Comprehensive auto insurance protects against damage to your vehicle caused by non-collision events. For instance, if your car is stolen, comprehensive auto insurance would provide coverage. If your car is damaged in a fire, comprehensive auto insurance can help with this as well.
Who Benefits From Comprehensive Auto Insurance?
Anyone can be a victim of theft, vandalism, fire, and other events covered under a comprehensive auto policy. However, not everyone wants to pay for extensive insurance coverage for their vehicle.
If you have an older vehicle and you have the money to replace that vehicle if a covered event occurs, comprehensive auto insurance may not benefit you. Talk to your insurance agent to determine whether you’re a good candidate for comprehensive auto insurance.
Is Comprehensive Auto Insurance Required?
Although most states require car drivers to have some form of car insurance, comprehensive auto insurance is not specifically required unless you have a car loan. If you have a car loan, you may be required to get full insurance coverage for your vehicle, including comprehensive auto insurance.
Do you have questions or want to know more? Contact the professionals at North Coast Insurance Services, servicing Lexington, MI. We’re here to help.